Last updated on 24 October, 2023 by Andy Rowe
1.The league shall be known as the Exeter and District Badminton League.
2.The aim of the League shall be to promote competitive badminton.
3.The management of the League shall be vested in a Committee which shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall consist of not more than sixteen members including Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Match Secretaries and shall have the power to co-opt additional members as required. Nominations for the Committee must be received by the League Secretary one week before the Annual General Meeting.
4.Business shall not be conducted unless a quorum consisting of five members of the Committee be present.
5.Each member club shall send at least one representative to all General Meetings of the League. Defaulting clubs will be fined £10.
6.At General Meetings only one representative from each club shall be entitled to vote for the purpose of electing Officers or in regard to general business.
7.Any club seeking admission to the League must:-
a)Make written application to the League Secretary by 1st September.
b)Obtain a majority vote at a General Meeting.
c) Be affiliated to Badminton England and the Devon County Badminton Association.
8.The League registration fee per team shall be decided at a League General Meeting and must be paid to the League Treasurer by the 15th October each season.
9.Any proposed amendment or addition to the constitution or rules must be lodged in writing with the League Secretary by 1st April and such proposals shall be circulated by the Secretary to all member clubs with the notice of the Annual General Meeting.
10.A club may, with the support of six other clubs, instruct the Committee to call a General Meeting to discuss a specific item. Such a meeting shall be convened within 30 days of the receipt of the instruction and two weeks notice shall be given to all clubs. The agenda will consist of this item only.
11.All clubs must be adequately insured